Deleted member 40068

Active Member
May 22, 2017
Wow, really excited for the next version of this game! Glad that you plan to cater to many different genres, that always helps with people who don't like ntr/cuck. And the little twist at the end was a really nice hook, I know it has me looking forward to the next release! Keep it up with the narrator, that's always a fun addition to the game. I also really liked the addition of a roommate. All I would say is to try and flesh out characters and scenes as detailed as you can, helps us really enjoy the game and experience Claire's corruption. And Olivia is the perfect conduit for her to break out of her shell. Awesome job dev, you got a fan in me!


Jun 11, 2017
very promising start. The dialogue comes naturaly and rendering is good. For a demo, I'd refrain from putting a 1.0 number, as its far from having enough content to justify a 1.smth release.

Go ahead, I like how you present the situations and that you do not enforce grinding to get to the porn. Grind/nogrind should really be a tag :)


Oct 20, 2017
I like these games that give you the option to choose what is going to happen (get all the girls or not and see what happens) .. the game gets more interesting in this way and can reach more people ..

I did not play yet .. but I already added my congratulations to the author ..


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
like the game so far. can't wait to see NTR. all 3 girls are really pretty, lovely renders. can't wait to be introduced to new girls as game developers :D
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Jul 21, 2018
@TheTypist - thanks for sharing your new demo. Promising indeed and I'm looking forward to future updates. Since you've asked for feedback, though, I'm making so bold as to highlight a few areas of concern after proofreading the script. From the Intro here are my suggested corrections, in linear order, typo first fix second:

dont - don't
aside - beside
ago - needs comma after it
I would imagine - I can imagine
Jenni introductory picture: there's no gap between her overdone top lip and her nose. Needs a redraw (imho)
peoples - either people's or peoples'

Then in the early scenes after the intro and more generally:
shes - she's

Compulsory naming of the MC as John (or any imposing of the MC's name) needs amending as suggested too by others.
And at the point where Claire asks "permission" in an obsequious way to go to the gym with her best friend, that strikes me as too servile to be realistic. Perhaps consider her saying she's planning to visit the gym again and is John OK with that. As it is now it's a WTF? moment, to Westerners at least.

Hope this helps (apologies for wasting your time if it doesn't)


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
The NTR in itself is totally optional just to get that out of the way. And depending on what everyone wants and how I feel, It can go any of those routes since the game is in its early stage, the more replies i get, the better off i'll be for future development!
DONT follow peoples tastes and all.... i see alots of games turned shit with this.

of course, opinion and suggestion is good , but keep it to YOUR game, dont let others decide for you.

if peoples not like NTR, then they just not play it, dont worry they are always lots of peoples who like NTR. i m not against NTR as long its not too hard or too brutal in the game ( like poping out from nowhere ).
but just saying... its YOUR game, dont let peoples influence it , because it will be a war between who want this or that and who dont.. and in middle, its you and your game.
its like peoples/players are soldier who make a war and you are a civilian and your game is a building. at the end, the civilian are the one who suffer the most and the building end destroyed.

just my advice, do YOUR game. and dont let other influence you, even if they are potential money or else in deal.

btw, keep up the good work ! for a first game, its pretty good :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
I love these types of game that things are not going to be easy for mc and if he hesitates he can lose the woman to another man or even she cheating him with others. this is reality of life I quite enjoy this and have those who like that the woman betrays him very cool it


May 15, 2017
Really like the start of this and looking forward to more, renders look good. Can't wait to get her all corrupted up :D


Aug 2, 2018
DONT follow peoples tastes and all.... i see alots of games turned shit with this.

of course, opinion and suggestion is good , but keep it to YOUR game, dont let others decide for you.

if peoples not like NTR, then they just not play it, dont worry they are always lots of peoples who like NTR. i m not against NTR as long its not too hard or too brutal in the game ( like poping out from nowhere ).
but just saying... its YOUR game, dont let peoples influence it , because it will be a war between who want this or that and who dont.. and in middle, its you and your game.
its like peoples/players are soldier who make a war and you are a civilian and your game is a building. at the end, the civilian are the one who suffer the most and the building end destroyed.

just my advice, do YOUR game. and dont let other influence you, even if they are potential money or else in deal.

btw, keep up the good work ! for a first game, its pretty good :)
So true, most people just can't accept, that others will find joy, in what they will dislike...
I played the demo, and clicked a lot for the content (meaning the NTR-scene).
I like the way this will go...and hopefully this will not be another abandon project.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 7, 2017
The dream(nightmare) at the final says clearly "you must avoid NTR path or you will lose your girlfriend"
Or, depending on choices and how your mind is, become closer to your girlfriend in a way... while I well know the accepted definition of NTR, I also included other tags for great reason, it doesn’t always have to end like that. :)


Nov 10, 2017
Or, depending on choices and how your mind is, become closer to your girlfriend in a way... while I well know the accepted definition of NTR, I also included other tags for great reason, it doesn’t always have to end like that. :)
it's really nice Dev, i like when the game give the power of choice. Normally i create various saves, i test all paths and i decide what is the best for my taste and of course i prefer romance over cheating.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Well I'm gonna ask a few questions, give recommendations and feedback.

-First of all I would like to ask if the game is gonna be visual novel stype or at some point we will have a free mode about who to interact with and things like that.

The visual novel style is useful for new developers because they are in total control about what happens, it's easier to make and quite to the point, basically it doesn't have repetable events and is constantly advancing.

On the other hand we have the free mode style, the good points of it are that it gives the chance to make variations to events, more involvement from the player because how they act influence the other npc's and it's more complex in the sense that it needs more variables and stats (which is usually good for a player), on the other hand if badly done it makes the game grindy or even a waste of time.

Personally I think that based on the game fetishes, it makes more sense to be based on the free mode style, mainly because one of the funny things about corruption is for a character to react to the same thing differently, and in the visual novel style you usually don't have the same event multiple times, you can notice the corruption in more advanced scenes but it will never have an effect on the past scene.

-Optional fetishes: Here is my personal view of it, you have it or don't have it, rather than making it optional just make it avoidable, if you truly have to make a... "protection" against a certain fetish, do as many games do and ask at the start, if people say no to that fetish then just lock the start or even lock certain options in conversations. Personally I like to go along for the ride and see what happens, it pains me a lot when while playing I find for example an option that says (NTR PATH BE CAREFUL), I'm just like, "uh, now I know what will happen so... not gonna choose it", it just feels weird for me things like "force your lose for the female MC to be raped by the enemy", "choose to be cucked"...

I would prefer things to be avoidable rather than optional, avoidable means that under certain conditions something happens or not, but this is just my personal view over it. However be aware of something, making everything optional is a pain for both players that want to find x content and the developer, it is only good for those that don't like that content.

This is just my opinnion but if you like swinging then just add what you like into the game and even more, dont make it optional. Even if you want to not make it forced then just make it avoidable, for example a non corrupted girlfriend wouldn't be willing to engage in an act such as swinging, but if she is very corrupted perhaps she would even propose it herself.

-Basically think hard about what you want to do, swinging and NTR are kind of similar in a certain sense and swinging the dangerous part is that it can develop into NTR.

-One thing that actually always make me wonder is that sometimes a character may make a mistake, but many creators make things so that "one mistake you are in the bad route", it's kind of weird because people make mistakes, I find perfectly normal that the MC would check Olivia's "goods", however if he is truthful towards his wife then nothing happens, I quite liked that just because a character did something "bad" it isn't the end of the world, however I would find that my girlfriend became wet by showing herself to a stranger like a "big warning notice", even more with a bad influence near her that had sex with men and women and it's a manipulative person.

-Finally to end, I hope that you make Olivia truly manipulative, something interesting that could happen would be that Olivia is corrupting your girlfriend and then to push for more she convinces her about having a threesome between her, your girlfriend and you. The funny thing about having female NTR based is that we can have profits within that danger, perhaps Olivia would fall in love with the MC or she will rather use the threesomes to push the girlfriend more in the sense that "they have had sex together with the same man, so why can't they both have fun between themselves without the man?", it's quite a manipulative argument and it seems likely to succeed, after they start to have fun with each other it's easy to develop a full route based on it.
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Good start! I enjoyed playing it.

I also think that the relationship between the MC and Jenni should be reconsidered.
Given the story, making her a sister would be much more logical and in line with her texts.

Regarding game design, wouldn't it be better if the MC/player didn't have control over Claire when she's away? I kinda like that in Adventurous Couple, as the player can't do (or see) anything until the wife comes home and/or he has some way to peek. It's way more realistic and adds suspense.

That said, I really like Claire, so I'll probably stay off the NTR path in this game.
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3.40 star(s) 94 Votes