VN - Ren'Py - A Wife's Life [v0.5.0] [Kerosine_NTR]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This Game was good at the Beginning, when you (MC) was left in the Dark if your Wife cheats or not. It added a mystery, that is typicall for a NTR Game. As of Version 0.5 the MC knows that the Wife is cheating, but does NOTHING. The last three updates are all like this: "My Wife cheated on me. What should i do?" And then does nothing. Your Boss fucked your Wife, degraded you, so lets continue to working for him and meet at his BBQ Party.

    I am not joking, this might be the dumbest MC/Story that you will encounter. Do not waste your Time, maybe only if you like to suffer or see this Game as a Parody of Human intellect.
    Likes: Nafig
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    love this type of NTR. Cheating, behind your back type content. These type of phone games are always a nice change. This game utilizes the phone well and adds spyware to the mix. Nice payoff as well by showing certain scenes you didn't think you were going to get in the beginning.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    basically just a poorly written rip off of another game while also taking out the features that make the other game good. The choices you make don't really matter in the long run and only affect the story a little bit, the MC is a control freak but doesn't do anything with the evidence that he's given like images and videos of his wife cheating on him. The videos used in the game are mostly all recycled from other games on the site or are just the most popular videos found in their genre. Overrall just another NTR game with no creativity and poor writing, hopefully after the next couple of updates it will be interesting.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent story with nice visuals but lots of unnecessary clicking back and forth between phone calls, texts and emails.

    I don't know which one was written first but this is the same base story as another wife/phone game with fewer options that make a smaller impact.

    I would love to see the ui cleaned up so you arent having to click back and forth so much when your options to alter the story are so far apart. I think this would flow much better as a full screen VN instead of having the email in an area and phone in another.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game combines immersive storytelling with innovative interactive mechanics. From the very first moment, the game captivates with its stunning graphic design and seductive atmosphere, inviting players to explore a world charged with sensuality and mystery.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For a game that is not yet complete, the truth is that it is quite good, it is not the typical game of controlling "your wife's" cell phone and it has a good foundation to be a great game once it is finished.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    No interaction. No interest. Disappointing and waste of time because no command or action. Just to click without reading and when it blocks come back in a notch back to find out who to call and continue to click. The lyrics are useless. We are right there to read and when we can act to take another direction this is useless because anyway it will change anything. In addition the protagonist is nonexistent.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Freundin aus Denken

    I'm gonna rate this game as somebody who doesn't really like Netorare but still can appreciate a storyline being hot or not. I only wanted to try this game out cause Vanna Bardot (duh) and was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon Autumn Falls best scene randomly. After that the story fully goes NTR without the slightest hint of Netorase or Netori (Dev stated that and I've been warned). As a lot of other people I liked the story until the mother got involved. It felt like a way to drag out the story and to further delay the revelations. As of now I'm actually interested in seeing this game unfold even though all the BNWO/Hypno crap is obviously pure cringe to me. For that Dev definitely deserves a good rating.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't be sucked in by the overall rating.
    Wish I could leave negative stars to undo any reviews above 2*...
    This isn't a product of average quality, poor at best.
    When the UI setup/concept is the only redeeming feature of a VN/game, it's terrible.

    The story is garbage.
    The characters are trash.
    The MC and especially the wife are just too stupid, even for porn fiction.

    If you like to waste your time on trash, you've found your story.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Main problems imho:
    - just one plotline and only a few choices - which don't matter
    - lack of choices for corruption/chuckholding events
    - Mr. BBC (Samuil) needs to resort to blackmail/drugs to score - which makes him a pathetic loser instead of a big black alpha
    - plot is thin and only works because everyone, especially the MC and his wife , are idiots

    On the plus side:
    - Wife model (Vanna B.)
    - starting scenario is ok
    - limited information for player leaves room for nasty suspicions and surprises
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This "game" (version 4.5) needs serious rework!

    Main problems imho:
    - just one plotline and only a few choices - which don't matter
    - lack of choices for corruption/chuckholding events
    - Mr. BBC (Samuil) needs to resort to blackmail/drugs to score - which makes him a pathetic loser instead of a big black alpha
    - plot is thin and only works because everyone, especially the MC and his wife , are idiots

    On the plus side:
    - Wife model (Vanna B.)
    - starting scenario is ok
    - limited information for player leaves room for nasty suspicions and surprises
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Story started good, but quickly became feeling fake. BNWO game, that doesn't even come near real migrant camp feelings, more american ghetto gangsta's. If using a migrant camp as setting then make it feel and sound like a migrant camp, and yes migrants can also harres people in the camp.

    The whole manner of talking is just based around BNWO and afro americans, which i find an insult to real african migrants who come from a bad area where they had to fear for their lives, not being killed by other black people, or die from drought.

    That why I won't rate this game very high as it would been better if localized this story more in an afro american ghetto or neighbourhood.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Purely visual game, no graphics, just scenes taken from various porn sites, little interaction, few choices, no decent audio. Pure ntr that you can't avoid. But too many stupid contradictions of MC, make the game without a concrete point. This kinetic movie is really disgusting, it has nothing exciting, it's all just violence, blackmail, drugs, rape, and all the worst, no plot, no excitement, no choice, if I have to choose between this garbage and a nice video on your porn, definitely 100% your porn. It takes courage to support such garbage. That's why more and more low-level games come out, now it's just quantity, no quality, decadent
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Like it ! Good story ! the plot takes a while to set up, we never really know what's going on with his wife, I liked the POV passages a little less but there aren't many of them so very good! can't wait to see the sequel.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply woooow. I enjoyed playing game so much.
    Things I like the most:
    - Persons POV
    - Storyline is great
    - Many aspect of cuckolding ( coruption, cheating, bulling, haresment, ....)

    Things I would like to improve:
    - Maybe we could realy know sometimes what realy happened and to to be complwtlu clueless
    - Wife corruption goes reeeeeeealy to slow. The best part was when wife needed to prepare her ass, and then the story was abended.
    - Main character... I don't see any progress in becoming a cuckold.
    - After so many hours of playing, wife still have not get fucked at camp yet!?
    No anal, no gangbang... we were waiting for so long now
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    absolutely love this game, i don't get the hate and why people are so bent out of shape. obviously the developer is new to all of this and is working alone. i love the game and hope they continue on with it and show us the excellent content they have shown us so far. constant XXX content and an easy to use UI makes this game one of my new favourites, and one i am happy to support xxx
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was well underway, the cinematic graphics were sexy, no audio, but then the story took a really wrong path, a lot of clowning, and the game lost its charm. Now the whole story is linear and very boring.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Last few updates developer turned himself into milking money machine and that exactly why every update got leaked. This game needs real netorare content without stupid edging every damn update. I mean edging is ok if you give us some good shit in next update but not like this (n)(n)
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    says choices but there is no not everyone is a sissy and bitch that likes ntr and especially black content and i want to be able to choose no to this shit, just call it what it is a self flagilation content for people who hate that there white or have or balls
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent start, but definitely needs a lot more content. Honestly think the build up to the cheating is fantastic, but it needs more cheating / cucking content, and the scenes themselves need to be built out more.